
2018.01.05   Claire Cain Miller|The New York Times|2017.6.2
刊載於專欄 教育

現在我們鼓勵女孩可以做任何她們想成為的自己──太空人、母親、野丫頭或小公主。但卻不准我們的兒子這樣做。社會科學家說,即使我們已經給女孩們更多的選擇,男孩卻仍然只能扮演傳統社會的角色。他們不被鼓勵從事那些被認為是女性化的興趣,必須絕對的堅強,否則不像個男孩。 如果我們要建構一個讓所有人都能適性發展的平等社會,我們也需要給男孩更多的選擇。

原文標題:How to Raise a Feminist Son

We’re now more likely to tell our daughters they can be anything they want to be — an astronaut and a mother, a tomboy and a girlie girl. But we don’t do the same for our sons. Even as we’ve given girls more choices for the roles they play, boys’ worlds are still confined, social scientists say. They’re discouraged from having interests that are considered feminine. They’re told to be tough at all costs, or else to tamp down their so-called boy energy. If we want to create an equitable society, one in which everyone can thrive, we need to also give boys more choices.

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