2019年5月22日INWES總部秘書長Prof. Jung Sun Kim收到法國Moutaud Monique來函徵求亞太地區主席吳嘉麗教授之推薦,派員至泰國曼谷觀摩「科學技術倫理與永續發展」會議(Conference on the Ethics of Science & Technology and Sustainable Development),我受到嘉麗老師的委任,自籌經費前往觀摩。很短的時間內趕緊訂機票和會議指定飯店,7/4晚上抵達、7/7一早6:00飛回桃園。
Conference on the Ethics of Science & Technology and Sustainable Development
日期與地點:2019/7/5-7/6 泰國曼谷
主辦單位:泰國國家科技發展局與高等教育科學研發創新政策委員會;聯合國教育、科學與文化組織 (UNESCO)
第一天 Day 1
- 題目:科學技術倫理與永續發展<與大會題目同>
Mr. Xing Qu,deputy director-general UNESCO
- 永續發展脈絡下的科技倫理(Ethics of S&T in the context of sustainable development)
Prof. Yongyuth Yuthavong,IBC會員,UNESCO政府組織間生命倫理委員會前主席
P1, 科技倫理與永續發展-從政策實踐談起
Ethics of S&T and sustainable development-From policy practice
P2, 健康相關的個人責任的原則
Principle of individual responsibility as related to health
平行會議Parallel sessions:
- 基因組技術的倫理和社會挑戰
Ethics and societal challenges toward genome technology
- 人工智能,機器人技術和大數據:給數位人合法的身份
AI, robotics and big data: giving legitimacy to homo digitals - 對氣候變化的倫理實踐
Towards climate change ethics implementation
- 在發展中國家建立研究誠信的文化
Building up the culture of research integrity in the developing world
第二天Day 2
P3, 物聯網的倫理意蘊
Ethical Implications of the internet of Things
P4, 人工智能倫理學: COMEST 擴充工作小組的初步研究
Ethics of artificial intelligence: preliminary study of the COMEST extended working group
(COMEST : World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology )
P5, 輔助生殖技術(ART)與親職
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and parenthood
P6, 橋接科學與社會-
Bridging science and society -
Lessons learned from the public communication, consultation and participation through art and media: youth engagement in science, technology and innovation project
P7, 水倫理:海洋,淡水,沿海地區和土地使用倫理
Water ethics: ocean, freshwater, coastal areas & land use ethics
P8, 建立科技倫理與永續發展的合作-東協之間的合作以新加坡與泰國為首建立制度
Building collaboration for ethics of science & technology and sustainable development
Also recognizing the importance of involving young people in general, and young scientists and researchers in particular, especially girls and young women, in the reflection on ethics of science and technology, in order to nurture new generations of citizens and scientists that are fully aware of these issues,
Further underlining the importance of reinforcing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education for young people in general, and especially for girls and young women, to encourage them to consider careers in these fields,…….
Encourage governments and universities to induce members of the younger
generation, especially girls and young women, to become involved in ethics of science
and technology, with special emphasis on issues concerning sustainable development.