在過去的幾十年中,我們看到了一個巨大的轉變,更多的女性進入了環境領導職位。我在綠色建築委員會(GBC)運動中看到了這一點,我們的頂級GBC中有50%是由建築領域的女性所領導。原文標題:Women Saving the World: Five Females to Celebrate on Earth DayWomen are frequently on the front lines in the battle against climate change, as they are often hit hardest by environmental issues – especially in developing countries. UN figures suggest that around 80 percent of people displaced by climate change are women – a fact recognized in the 2015 Paris Agreement. As primary providers of food and fuel, they are most likely to notice the signs of climate change and to be the first to feel its effects. So, it’s not surprising that they are usually the first group to take action.We’ve seen a drastic shift in in the last few decades, with more women making their way into environmental leadership positions. I see this first-hand within our Green Building Council (GBC) movement, where 50 percent of our top-tier GBCs are led by women working within the male-dominated world of building and construction.