

The 4th Gender and STEM Educational and Occupational Pathways and Participation Network Conference will be held July 31—August 2, 2018 at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR USA. Conference organisation team: Jenefer Husman, Joanna Goode, Jennifer Ruef, Sarah Stapelton, Jill Baxter, Helen Watt & Noortje Jansen.


This conference aims to present empirical research and instructional practice, exploring how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) educators, practitioners, and students form STEM identities, how those identities are formed or constrained by existing structures, and the ways that instruction and educational policy can broaden conceptions of who can do STEM research and practice. Complementary perspectives will address how such pathways can be facilitated at various points along students’ and young adults’ educational and occupational development.


An important aim of this conference is to extend the interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers, members of industry, and educators to move beyond results which highlight single aspects of issues raised by the study of Gender & STEM identities. Implications for educational and vocational training and practice will be discussed.


Professor Jacquelynne Eccles from the University of California—Irvine will give the opening Keynote address. Click http://www.genderandstem.com/conference-2018.html to find:

→An overview/summary of the conference

→More about the keynote speakers

→Call for proposals (closing date for proposal submissions: November 27, 2017)

Adjacent conference dates and locations, to facilitate travel planning

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