跨越領域邊界的真摯關係 精選

2017.11.14   Dr. Ineke Busken|南非獨立性別研究與評估學者、2017性別與科技國際會議邀請演講者;洪文玲 譯
刊載於專欄 生命






我自己參與在10月29號的資通訊科技中的女性(Women in ICT)工作坊,就是希望能夠探索形成一個東亞研究網絡的可能性。我們得到非常豐碩的結果,特別是因為當時的討論是立基受惠於前面兩天研討會中的審議與思考。我自己、Debalina Dutta、Li Ying 和洪文玲,決定成立一個以亞洲地區為中心的研究網絡。


The conference was a wonderful event.
Because the organisation was so perfect, we were made to feel very welcome and could concentrate on sharing with one another and learning from one another.

Gender in Science and Technology and Gendered Innovations are complex and delicate issues.
Whilst women and women scientists experience challenges because of their gender, in every country and within the social organisational context of every discipline, women and gender discrimination are at the same time also very specific because they are culturally defined, whether this refers to the specific culture of an academic discipline such as engineering or medicine, or to an ethnographic or national culture. It is therefore easy to misunderstand one another at an international conference like this.

This did not happen, at least as far as I could tell. Our debates were robust. The questioning was frank. I saw and experienced how relationships developed across the various boundaries and how new collaborative ventures could emerge from these contacts.

In my particular case, I found conceptual resonance between the concept of Women Power as used in Taiwan and that of Conation, the third dimension of human mental functioning, next to Cognition and Affect, that point towards human self-determination, will, instinct and intentionality. This is interesting and I am keen to explore this resonance further.

I also made contact with scholars from Taiwan which focus on Women IN Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and whilst this is a new field of study and intervention in East Asia, it was wonderful to see, how much is actually done here in Taiwan.

The Women IN ICT workshop which we held on 29 October to explore the feasibility of a Research Network for East Asia, was also very fruitful, especially because it was grounded in and benefitted from the preceding two days of deliberation and contemplation. We, Wen-Ling Hong, Debalina Dutta, Li Ying and myself, decided as founding members of this network, that we wanted to extend the Network to the Asian region and include for instance India and possibly other countries.

I made good friends, especially with Taiwanese colleagues, and want to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful hospitality shown to us by our hosts. Apart from the scientific value of the conference, it was also a wonderfully warm and sweet social event.

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